I have now completed 2 rounds of 21 day fix extreme.  This program has been AMAZING.  It has changed my body is so many ways!  The food program is easy to follow, the workouts build cardio and build muscle and I'm losing inches and pounds!!  I'm looking forward to seeing what another round can do!  Message me for info on how to get this fantastic program!!
What types of things do you do during the summer that keep you fit?  Things you can't do during the winter months?  I know for me running and biking are SO much better outside.  I look forward to the weather warming up so I can step outside and just go!  I've been on a search for other types of activities to do this summer that will be fun AND a workout!  Hiking?  Kayaking? Tennis? Tell me what do you DO! :)
We don't always realize how often our kids are watching us.  I know I do things pretty routinely and don't always take a step back to realize what an impact is has on my kiddos....good and bad.  But recently I've noticed how aware the kids are that of my workout routines and that makes my heart happy.  They see me making my health an importance.  I talk to them about healthy eating often and why it's important for our bodies and yes I mention the importance of giving our bodies exercise but I don't think I ever give it the emphasis it should have.  So when I notice my kids asking me if I worked out or if they can work out with me I know the message is coming across clear even if I haven't said it "enough."  They are watching :).
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