Raising Healthy Kids

Raising healthy kids isn't easy. We are up against huge corporations that are constantly advertising garbage to our children. It's on tv and the stores and their friends are talking about it. It's up to us as parents to be a good example. Show them what healthy living looks like. I like to talk to the kids while I'm making dinner and let them try different foods and explain why healthy food is good for their body. Does a little cheat meal here or there hurt anyone? No way and I never want them to think that....but on the other hand I never want them to think McDonalds is a healthy go to meal. Just yuck. So a few weeks ago when the kiddos were sleeping at my mom's she sent me a text saying that she was taking them to McDonald's for a treat. Mark, my oldest son, replied "Mama said McDonalds isn't very healthy but every once in a while it's ok." They are listening....they are watching...they are learning. :)

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