
I have been talking with my challenge groups lately about water. Water is a HUGE part of your health and fitness lifestyle. Doesn't matter if you're trying to lose weight or bulk up or maintain. You NEED water. The general idea is that you should be drinking half of your body weight in water every day. I know I know that seems like A LOT of water....BUT....it will make you feel amazing! You don't have to make a drastic change...try adding in water a little more each day and build up to it. I did some research and found different ways to "sneak" in that extra water and make it a little easier ;). This is especially helpful now during the holiday season when we all tend to nibble on those cookies or have that extra drink that we normally wouldn't have. :)

1. My first suggestion and my FAVORITE is to set a goal for yourself every day. Whatever that goal is up it a little the next day and then the day. Before you know it you will be drinking half of your weight in water and feeling great!! I use an app called Waterlogged. It's PERFECT for keeping track and for those type A people...like me :)...I LOVE the idea of "crossing" things off a list.

2. Eat foods that naturally have water in them!! This is the easiest thing to do :)

3. Add fruits and veggies to your water!! There are soooo many options here and it definitely changes it up from just boring old water :). There are even some pretty cool water bottles out there that have build in compartments to house said fruit :). Easy peasy :)

4. Create a water wager!! Pull out a container that you can use and set it in your kitchen. Every time you dirnk 8 oz stick a dollar in. Save up for something amazing that you've been keeping your eye on or treat yourself to something nice. I LOVE this idea because it gives you a goal to work towards while you're building up you water "tolerance" :).

5. Finally the easiest NO FUSS way to drink water quickly and painlessly.....use a STRAW!! :) You will drink more than you normally would! :)

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