Six Tips to Avoid Weight Gain Over the Holidays

It's that time of year again when we all tend to over induldge :) We take a taste of this and a bite of that. One little bite won't hurt...unless we add up all of those bites over a holiday season....yikes. The scale is never our friend come January and then we panic. I came up with a list of 6 things that may help throughout the holidays to cut down on the shock come January :).

1. Choose Wisely - When you head out to holiday parties and dinner make smart choices. If you know they are going to have a dessert there that you LOVE...choose wisely. Pick a lean chicken or fish for dinner so you know you can have that dessert. The problem begins when we tell ourselves "oh I'll just eat what I want tonight." If we choose something unhealthy for dinner and then have the dessert we end up angry with ourselves the next day. This isn't about telling ourselves NO all of the time. It's about making smart choices so we can still enjoy the things we love.

2. Sign up for a race/event - If you set a goal for yourself during the holiday season you will be more likely to attain it and stay on track. Maybe it's the turkey trot at Thanksgiving, maybe its a Santa Hustle, maybe an indoor triathlon. Pick something that interests you and sign up. Make the commitment.

3. Don't arrive hungry - This is probably one of the most important things you can remember. If you tell yourself that you're just not going to eat all day so you can eat what you want when you go out you are going to eat EVERYTHING. You will go overboard and end up regretting it.

4. Drink water - Drinking water helps to fill you up. If you are at a cocktail party switch on and off. Nobody is saying don't enjoy a drink or two...but alternate with water. You will feel full and end up drinking less of the not so good for you stuff :).

5. Bring healthy options to parties - If you are invited to a party and asked to bring something why not bring something healthy! Chances are you will not be the only person looking out for their health and they will thank you for it. You will also be setting yourself up for success. You will know that you can fall back on tip number 1 - choose something healthy so you can indulge in something you love later :).

6. Exercise - Please make sure you exercise! Three times a week for 30 mins a day minimum. You will feel better about yourself, have more energy and you will WANT to make healthy choices. I have never in my life worked out and then went to eat a cheeseburger...never :). Your body will not want unhealthy food when you are taking such good care of it :).

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