Healthy Eating

Nutrition. Eating Healthy. It's not easy. I struggle with it daily. Especially as a busy mom of three. My plan every day is to eat every three hours. Does that always happen? No. I get busy and I forget. Then it's lunch time and I'm exhausted and I sit down with the kids. Someone doesn't finish a chicken nugget. Guess who eats it? Most days I'm on track but like all of us I'm not perfect and I make excuses. How many times have we told ourselves we've earned a bowl of ice cream or that plate of cheese fries when we are out with our friends? Why do we always choose to reward ourselves with food? This is something that I am constantly working on. Food is fuel for our bodies not a reward. Real food should not be processed, it shouldn't be in plastic bags or cardboard boxes. Does that mean we will never eat those things? No of course not but those things should be an except to the rule, not the rule. When we feed our body healthy whole food it affects everything about us. Think about how you feel after you have eaten a way too large meal of unhealthy food. Your body is uncomfortable...your mind is don't feel good about yourself. Your body is telling you something is wrong! This is not what it needs! So let's challenge ourselves. For the day week, month, year...whatever you can commit to and lets feed our bodies with healthy food. Write down how you feel each day. Do you notice a change in your energy? How you sleep? Come back and comment on this post and let me know how it's going for you!

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