Sticking to those New Years Resolutions

We are almost two weeks into the new year and the holidays have finally died down. The cold weather has moved in and we are all desperately attempting to settle into a routine and tackling those new years resolutions. Many of us have already fallen off of that wagon or are desperately hanging on for dear life in hopes that THIS year will be the year that we don't quit. Here are a few tips to help you stick to those goals whatever they are.

1. Write your goal down and keep it somewhere you can see it! By seeing it every day it's a great reminder of what you are focused on achieving.

2. Don't create a goal you know you are not ready to follow through on. So many times the new year comes around and we have such high hopes of what we would like to do we don't think about the reality of the changes that need to be made to do that.

3. Create smaller goals for yourself. If you take a big task and break it into smaller goals you will feel the satisfaction of those goals and it will motivate you to keep moving forward.

4. Reward yourself! When you hit those goals celebrate! You've worked hard and deserve a little pat on the back :).

5. Ask for help. We all need it at one time or another and there is strength in knowing that you need and want help. Even better you have people who love you and WANT to help. Let them :).

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