Shakeology Cleanse Day 2

Ok so I survived the first day...barely lol. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. The cleanse says you should drink three shake a day. I just couldn't After drinking two of them the last thing I wanted was another shake. I wanted FOOD for God's sake! I did cave in and had a cheese stick for a snack insted of the shake. By the end of the evening I had a pretty good headache going which I'm assuming is from the toxins getting out of my body and the adjustment of not eating any crappy food. I was exhausted and felt like I was stripped of any energy. BUT the great news is this morning a saw a huge improvement on the scale and I feel like I have much more energy today. Today I've had two shakes and a piece of fruit so far. I plan to use my cheese stick method again for the next snack :) and then a salad for dinner with chicken. Tomorrow is the last day. I will stay the course :) For those of you brave souls I also saw that there is a 5 day cleanse challenge. God speed :).

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