Marathon day has come and gone!

Well I did it! I ran my first marathon! What an amazing experience. It really is an incredible thing to know that your body is capable of doing such a thing. I set a plan for myself to only focus on two miles at a time. I knew that every two miles there would be a water station where I could walk, drink some water and stretch my legs and knees. So at every station I told myself just go another two miles and see how you feel. This worked very well until around mile 20 LOL. Miles 20-26 weren't so easy to mentally get through. Those miles I had to physically and mentally get myself through a mile at a time. I let myself walk when I needed to and took extra breaks. I would say the last mile was the toughest but seeing that finish line at the end made everything worth it. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget. Recovery is not an easy thing after a marathon and I'm working my way through that now. I'll post some tips in the future :).

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