Tracking your macros....wait what the heck is that???

So I've been flirting with the idea of tracking my macros for probably six months now. I got back and forth with it not totally understanding it completely. I take chunks of time and read about it and get totally excited to start and then not fully commit. BUT I do think it's a GREAT concept and one that I am committed to at least giving a good solid try! So what is it?? Tracking your basically keeping track of your carbs, protein and fats. You set up a certain percentage of your calories to dedicate to those three things and you track that every day. These percentages are different for everyone and are based on 3 things:

1. Fitness goals - What your fitness goals are depends on how you will split up your percentages. Do you want to lose fat, build muscle or both?

2. Body type - Your body type also should come into play when you're deciding your macro split. Are you a ectomorph (slender), mesomorph (muscular) or endomorph (soft) type body?

3. Gender - Your gender plays a part too. Men and women use fuel differently and are able to burn fat at different rates.

I use my fitness pal to track my helps when I plan out my entire day so I can see the exact breakdown of how my percentages look :) Here is an example of what my macros look like when tracking on my fitness pal.

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