My Beginning

I haven't always been a fit person. I was the kid in high school that avoided phys ed class like the plague. I actually had nightmares about not graduating because I didn't pass gym class lol. I didn't know much about health or fitness. I tried team sports but usually tired out and just didn't feel comfortable in my body. I wore baggy clothes and covered myself up. I didn't like my body and didn't know how to change it. In college I started working out but as we all know in college nutrition and eating habits are at an all time low. It wasn't until I started my teaching career and had a routine in life that I started focusing more on my health. I knew I needed to workout and burn calories. I could do that...and I did. I continued working on that and joined weight watchers. I followed the plan and figured out every way to still eat the things I like and stay within my points. Did I lose weight? Yes. Was I healthy? No. I thought because I was working out and losing all of my weight that I was on the right track. This went on for many years. My weight went up and down. In 2006 I started running. I found something that was a true challenge for me but a challenge that I knew I could tackle. I signed up for my first 5k petrified that I would never make it those 3.1 LONG miles :)...but I did it. In the rain and cold as anything I made it all 3.1 miles and I crossed that finish line and was never more proud of myself. I feel head over heels in love with running. Did I understand nutrition yet? No. In 2009 I gave birth to my oldest son and it was one of the best moments of my life. But my body was a mess again. So I did what I knew. I started running and I went back to weight watchers. I was thrilled because the weight came off. I still wasn't healthy. This continued until 2011 when I then gave birth to my son and daughter. Let me be the first to tell you that if you think things look bad after one baby you don't want to think about what twins can do lol. I was depressed. I "knew" my body would never be the same. How could it? I felt like it was hopeless. But I did start working out. In between caring for a 2 year old and newborn twins I did it. I made myself a priority. In July of 2013 I ran my first half marathon and I felt amazing and then ran my second in Nov. I had lost plenty of weight and I felt my body getting stronger. This is also around the time that I started using p90x and insanity. I was focused and I knew I had to be serious to make changes in my body. I start researching clean eating and what my body needed for fuel. Not the garbage I was putting into it...and I saw changes fast. I stuck to the programs and I started giving my body what it needs. I have now completed two triathlons and am training for my first marathon that is coming in a few weeks. Do I still struggle? ALL OF THE TIME! It's not easy. I lose focus...I get tired...I make excuses...but I'm still going. It's a work in progress and I'm worth it. So if you're anything like me and like a partner along this journey I'm here :).

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