
We all have them right? Especially this time of year when our normally long list of things to do seems unattainable. We are all trying to squeeze in an absurd amount of things every day. Who has time for fitness...for nutrition? YOU DO!! I can't tell you how many times I have been asked "how do you find the time?" or I'm told "I just have no time for that." We ALL have the same 24 hours in a day...we ALL do. Yes we all have different lives and different responsibilities but being healthy is a choice. My alarm goes off at 5:30am so I can get up and workout and take a shower before I begin a hectic day with 3 little ones. It's my choice to get up at that time. To put myself first and make ME a priority. Could I choose to stay in bed until the kids got up? Of course I could but that time is MY time and it's precious to me. I am a better mom, wife, friend and daughter because I take that time for me. So this holiday season give yourself the gift of time. Make YOU a priority and schedule your time into that hectic holiday schedule. You deserve it...your family deserves to have you at your best and healthiest. It's time for change. :)

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